Aiden and I
Today we had the boys nine month check-up. They are thriving as the doctor likes to put it and are very healthy boys. They started crawling the week after Christmas and started pulling themselves up on things the week after that. Aiden has three teeth with his two top ones almost ready to pop. Oliver has two teeth with his two top teeth almost poking through his gums.
Aiden was the lucky one to get all his measurements and weight done first. He is 19.9 lbs and 29 1/4 inches tall. He is tall for his age, and average in weight.
A few things about Aiden:
* He is definitely the older brother
* He loves to take any toy that Oliver is playing with
* He loves to pull himself up on everything and is usually the first one to try new things out
* He is more wild compared to Oliver
* He loves graham crackers and eats them more neatly then Oliver
* He loves music and will stop whatever he is doing when he hears it
*He is super active and constantly moving
* He is super smiley and loves to be tickled
*He can say "Dada" and "Baba".
*He likes to have more attention then Oliver
Ollie's turn to be in the spotlight
Ollie weighed in at 20 lbs and 1 oz. He is 29 1/2 inches tall. He is also taller then average but average in weight.
A few things about Oliver:
* He is much more relaxed then Aiden
* He does not like when Aiden crawls all over him
* He likes to scream when he really doesn't like something
*He makes the cutest noise when he get's really excited
*He learned to clap his hands and loves it
*He loves to say "Mama" and "Dada".
*He loves cheerios and likes to shove as many as he can into his mouth
* He loves to run around in his walker
Kisses from mommy
Ollie and Aiden love to take pictures and always smile
Now a little about both of them:
* They love to play Peek-a-boo
*They love to read with mommy and daddy
*They love to make noise by banging things together
*They love to be tickled and kissed
*They LOVE taking a bath
*They love to have the blanket thrown over top of them so that they are the only ones in it. They laugh so much at each other
*They love their owl blankets
* They love playing in front of the mirror
I can not believe how big my boys are getting. They are such sweeties and are always so happy. I am excited to see what the future has in store for them and to continue to watch them grow and develop. They have taught us so much and we are so blessed to be parents to such wonderful babies.
Some of our favorite things about the boys are:
* When they try to talk and carry on a conversation in their own language
* That they would rather play with a bowl then a toy
*When they wake up and its so bright that they won't open their eyes
*That they are generally happy
*They can keep themselves entertained and play with each other
*When they giggle at each other