Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Catching Up!! (a rather lengthy post)

Our lives get busier and busier and before we know it, it has already been two months since I last posted so I figured that I would do a little catching up.
For Valentines Day David was so great and bought me a lily to plant. It is still alive but if it doesn't get warm and planted soon I am afraid it won't last too much longer. He also got me my favorite chocolates, Lindt Lindor chocolates. I am afraid I didn't get him anything but he did surprise me with being able to stay home that day which was so nice. We love having David home. I tried to have the boys pose for their first Valentines photo. It didn't really work out and all they wanted to do was eat my props I had them hold. Oh well, they are still super cute. 

Oliver & Aiden

Then it was March all of a sudden and busy too. David has been applying for jobs since he will be done with school this summer sometime. He has had zero calls or interviews so we are waiting for better things to come our way. He most likely will stay with Wal-Mart until he is finished with school. He is hoping next month to transfer back to meat and produce which will start at 2 in the afternoon and he won't get home until after midnight. I am not too fond with this schedule but then he will be able to get an internship in the mornings... hopefully. :) That is his goal, and in the long run that would be best, giving him some experience. Almost all jobs he has applied for requires 2-4 years experience which is hard when you are just starting out. So how are you suppose to gain experience when no one will hire you? A question for those with an answer that I do not have. We pray that everything will work out and I am sure it will. David is so ready to be done with school and so are we. I can't wait until I don't have to hear him say " I have to do a bunch of homework so see ya in a couple hours." It is coming and we are so proud of David for all that he does for our family. He is such a hard worker and so dedicated to all he has to do. We love you!!

My niece Maylee turned 4 on the 6th and my sister Marcie invited us to celebrate with her. I told her i would make those cute tissue paper Pom Poms to decorate with since it was a princess party. Well she emailed me the date and time and I totally read it wrong. She said it would be on the 2nd, and I read the 7th. Not sure how I did that, so I had maybe made 6 pom poms and wanted to make a lot more. I had just showered so I was not at all ready to go out when I get a phone call from her sister-in-law asking if we were still going to go because of the snow. I was a little confused since I thought the party wasn't until the next week. So she told me that it was today and that she had just talked to my sister so she was pretty sure. So I made David go and check my email and sure enough it was that night. So I told her yes and that we were going. So I put my hair in a ponytail, changed and put on a little make up and we left. We made it to my sisters in really good time. I made 6 more pom poms on our way over and they looked so cute :) We had a lot of fun and Maylee got spoiled with lots of princess stuff. We played some fun games and ate Abe's yummy cake he made for Maylee. I hate forgetting things and getting stressed about it so next time I will read the email correctly and put it on my calender. 

The boys and I like to have a little fun during the day, and sometimes I like to dress the boys up in stuff they don't wear very often. This time it was their hats. They just look so cute in them and I love hearing them laugh at each other when they notice something weird on their heads.

Aiden & Oliver

So the next day I made David wear his hat with the boys. 

My babes love to eat what ever we are eating now. It is nice not always having to make something different for them, unless its too spicy or chewy. They love graham crackers and cheerios. Fruit of any kind, and smoothies. Aiden now has 8 teeth, and Oliver 6. Oliver has figured out how to bite things. So when he eats his cracker he will take a bite instead of sucking on it or shoving the whole thing into his mouth. Aiden has yet to grasp this concept and still insists of shoving everything into his mouth at once. 

 Oliver taking a bite of his cracker with his bib on his head. Aiden putting the entire cracker in his mouth. HA ha!! They love doing this and laughing at each other. They either look like Nuns, or Egyptians.

Here are some random pictures of them just playing around.

They love their stuffed animals and anything really soft

Aiden holding onto me so he can walk



Oliver & Aiden

The boys have recently started walking. It is so cute to watch them take little steps and try to keep their balance. They are getting quite good at it and more brave then before. They started taking steps a couple of weeks ago but are both becoming pros. Good thing it takes a little time and they move slowly right now.

As for myself I am loving being a mom and I can not wait for Spring to officially arrive, I love the warmth and sunshine. I am excited to watch my boys explore the outdoors and experience new things.

Happy Spring Everyone!!
(well officially tomorrow)