Monday, March 10, 2014


Aiden, Ollie, Evan and I all have colds. So today will be spent trying to get better, keeping boogers at bay and possibly taking a nap. 
Have a great Monday!! 

(My sick boys about this same time last year with colds)

Friday, March 7, 2014

Evan and His Brothers

First I'll start off just by saying how grateful I am for my children Aiden Oliver and Evan. I truly am blessed that I have these boys in my life.
Evan has been such an easy baby and a great eater too which has made my life a little easier. He only gets up about once a night, or not at all. I am loving this stage that he is at, he loves to smile, make lots of noises and follow his brothers everywhere with his eyes. He is constantly trying to suck on his fingers which makes them very Slobbery.  Evan loves to play and is trying to grab things but anytime he gets something he just tries to bring it to his mouth. He is very strong and very cute. At his two month appointment he weighed 12 lbs. 6 oz. and is 23 and half inches long. He still wears size 1 diapers but is wearing three months plus clothes, the three month ones are almost too small. He is  very long and going to be tall like his brothers. If I am playing with Evan on the floor the twins love to come and lay down next to us and try to get him to talk, it is very cute. The twins love their little brother. Lately Ollie has been squishing Evans cheeks together to make him make funny faces and he doesn't seem to mind it too much and even smiles after. Evan is still a Blondie and blue eyed boy just like his brothers. Evan likes to be tickled and will Giggle every once in a while. Evan likes to take baths and doesn't mind doing tummy time either.  I have noticed lately that Aiden is a little more clingy then he used to be and if I am holding Evan and I put him down Aiden wants me to hold him next.
Aiden and Oliver are getting so big, they don't look like little toddlers anymore they look like little boys. They are going to be three in April, which is crazy. They really are such sweethearts but are hard sometimes and they don't always like to listen and do what I ask. Recently we have been trying to get them interested in potty training but they do not want to very much .We have bribed them with ice cream and going to the movies and they still refuse. I am hoping that they will want to be potty trained soon and before the summer. Having three children in diapers is a lot of diapers and an extra expense that we don't need so I am hoping they will get interested soon.
The twins love playing with trains and blocks and they are getting really good at drawing, especially faces. They love to watch Daniel Tigers Neighborhood, Arthur, and Super Why. Their favorite foods are waffles, pancakes, baked potatoes and any fruit and vegetable. They are getting pretty good at putting on their own clothes and taking them off but need help from time to time. They are getting really good at doing things for themselves and are pretty independent. They love being outside running around with the other kids or riding their tricycles and throwing the frisbee. They can count to twenty with help and know their ABC's and can write the letters H, O, I, and A by themselves. Ollie is our more loud, talkative and whiny boy, and Aiden is still our sensitive, more shy momma's boy. They are really cute sometimes, mostly when they call for one another when they are in different rooms, or when one of them gets hurt the other will ask real worried "what's wrong?". They make my heart melt sometimes. :) The other day Ollie told me while I was getting dressed, "you're really cute mom". I love them!!!
Lately I have been feeling more moody then normal ( I think it's my birth control) and I am constantly telling myself to calm down. I seem to get angry real quick and I don't like it so I have been trying to re learn patience. I have to remember my twins are only 2, almost three and that they are just learning. The joys of motherhood and parenthood.