Sunday, December 1, 2013

Finally, Evans Birth

 Evan was born at 10:08 am on November 27th after 36 hours of labor. Really that sounds bad but it really wasn't, I only had real hard contractions for the last 4 or 5 hours. I have the entire story written in my journal so I am not going to tell all of the birth story on here, sorry, but I will give you some details. 
Evan was a week over his due date and so we scheduled to get induced. We came in on Monday the 25th to see our options with induction and finally decided on not doing it. We went and got lunch and I called my mom who had come into town to watch the twins to let her know there would be no baby that day. With having a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) they have more limitations and restrictions when it comes to having a baby. I wanted to have my baby as natural as possible and to be able to move around freely and doing the induction would not let me do that. We felt kind of bummed that we wouldn't be having our baby that day but also felt relief almost and good about our choice to not get induced. So David went back to work and my mom and I hung out. I helped her check her school papers and bounced on my yoga ball to help Evan come. Around midnight that night I started feeling a little gassy, or so I thought. 

I really thought I was having gas cramps but it turned out I was having light contractions. They were pretty mild and would come and go. The moment I realized I was having contractions I felt so so good and relieved that I didn't get induced. Evan was going to come when he was ready to. David went to work and I told him I would keep him updated on my progress. The day went well and my contractions started getting closer and closer as the day progressed. We went to Costco that night to get some pies for my mom for Thanksgiving and to help Evan and I out a little bit. When we got home I told David that I wanted to put our Christmas decor up so he got everything out and I began. While I put our Christmas up I had to stop every 7-10 minutes because my contractions were getting a little more intense but not bad. I finished around 9:30 that night and finally rested for a minute. We watched the news and my mom went to bed and David and I soon after. It was probably around 11:30 that I really noticed my contractions getting closer and stronger. Around midnight that night my contractions were 3 minutes apart so I decided to give my doctor a call. I could still handle the contractions but I wasn't sure how fast I would progress so he said to come to the hospital. We got there around 1:30 am and got me on the monitor and told me to try and rest because I was only dilated to a 5, Ugh, I was hoping I was more dilated but oh well. David slept and I slept in between contractions until 6 am and then I couldn't sleep anymore. My contractions were getting harder and I started having back labor after he broke my water to help move things along, and oh did that kill. Honestly if I didn't have back labor I would have been fine, but no. David was awesome in keeping me motivated and kept putting oils on me and diffusing them in the room to keep me calm and relaxed. I practiced hypnobirthing, and following the breathing techniques and focusing on that honestly helped a ton. I got in the bath at one point and that was HEAVEN!! My doctor checked me every hour and I was dilated to a 6 by 6am, to a 7 by 7am, and to an 8 by 8 am and so on. By 9 to 9:30 am I was pretty much worn out and having non stop contractions and finally feeling the need to push. Ten hard pushes and one episiotomy (which I did not want but I was tearing pretty bad) later my whopping 9lb 4 oz. little boy was here. 
It felt so good to be able have him on my chest, to listen to his little noises and for me to be able to calm him and soothe him, I was in love all over again. I wasn't able to have this experince with the twins so I was so looking forward to it with Evan. He was so alert and perfect and just kept looking at me and trying to suck on his fingers. I loved not feeling numb and having to wait for medication to wear off. I know a lot of people don't like pain and wouldn't ever do it without an epidural but not me. I just feel so strongly personally in medication free natural birth. I also wanted to experience what my many ancestors and even my own mother experienced when having children. At one point during the contractions I wanted to give up and get an epidural but David just kept reminding me how far I had come and that I could do this and that it would be over soon, and he was right. I also had an amazing nurse who kept me going and breathing. I got commented several times on how well I was doing without medication from the other nurses and that made me feel good even though I didn't feel like it. It was over only an hour after that and I felt great. If you would have asked me in that moment if I would do natural birth again I would have told you no, but now looking back on it I would do it again. I just felt so good after and not even tired. I remember with the twins after my C-section not feeling so good and kind of out of it for a bit.  I was just so happy to have Evan in my arms and to have him here. It was also nice to give him all of my attention and love and to be the first one to really hold him, I was on cloud nine. David was such a great help and I have to give him props for helping bring Evan into this world, I couldn't have done it without him.

Evans first family photo

We came home Thanksgiving morning and it was great. The twins were in Tremonton with Grandparents so once David left to get them and spend time with his family for Thanksgiving I got to have alone time with Evan and it was wonderful.

One day old and David's Novembeard

Grandpa Buchanan

Grandma Buchanan

Time to go home

Great Grandma Kathryn McAllister

Grandma Spenst

Ollie holding Evan, two weeks old

Aiden and Evan

Thursday, October 24, 2013

A More Recent Update

To start off we have moved, we moved the last week of June and David started his new job on July 1st. David got an awesome job at a place called Marketecture. He is a Web Designer and Developer for the company and he loves it. The company just moved their offices to American Fork so that is where we live. We live in a 4-plex and have lots of neighbors with kids, the boys especially love that. We have liked living here so far and love all of the conveniences. It is a pretty area but we can't wait to buy a home somewhere in Utah County someday.

I will be 36 weeks on Wednesday and I'm starting to feel it. My hips hurt and my tailbone starts hurting if I sit in the same position for too long. I had a doctor who I maybe saw three times since we've moved here and I didn't like it, so I changed to a midwife and love her already. The midwives at the Clinic seem to care more about what I want and they want to help me in any way they can. I am wanting to have a Vbac and to go natural, so we shall see. I have been practicing Hypnobirthing and I feel it is going well. I feel more confident now that I have someone who seems to really care about what I want and feel.
I haven't ballooned like I did when I was pregnant with the twins and I am so thankful. My feet haven't even swollen yet but I am sure that will come. Many women say they hate being pregnant during the summer but I have enjoyed it. I have been a lot more active during this pregnancy because the boys and I could do more outside and I have mostly gained baby weight, so things are going pretty well. I am excited to see our little guy and to see if he looks like his brothers. We still have a few more things we need to do to be prepared for him but I think we are mostly ready. I have been taking advantage of sleep and naps because I know once this baby comes things are going to be different and there will be a lot of sleep deprivation I am sure. Any who we are excited for our little Evan to come. :)

Aiden and Oliver are great and doing well. They are super cute and play together and get into trouble daily. They love to tease each other which always leads to one of them crying or whining. It get's a little old sometimes but I guess that's how it is with 2 almost 2 1/2 year olds. They actually are really good at listening and behaving but they have their moments. They love to sing and play with trains and cars and blocks. They are great with their counting and once they reach ten their counting usually continues like this.. "11 15 16 18 20". They know their alphabet and we sing them daily along with twinkle little star. They know most of their colors and shapes. I love when after we get done with their flash cards Ollie will ask me, "Mommy what's this?" and I will respond with the right answer and he will say "Yes mom, good job!" It is so cute. My boys are very smart and speak very well, not to brag or anything. :) The boys have shown a lot of interest in helping now that they are older and want to help with everything. It is fun to let them do some things like help with the dishes or help when I am baking. A lot of times they think they can help themselves and it doesn't always work out. The boys love to draw and have learned to stay in the lines of the notebook when drawing circles. We have some pages full of just tiny little circles or lines that they say are rainbows or snakes, and occasionally mommy or daddy when it looks like it could be eyes.

I am going to try to keep better updated on the blog especially since we don't live as close to family now so wish me luck. :)

Monday, October 21, 2013


March was a busy month filled with family, Nieces Birthdays, seeing baby lambs, and Easter.