Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Bees’ll buzz, Kids’ll blow dandelion fuzz

I love, love, love Spring!! I love spring even more when I have a yard to work in but hey right now I should take advantage of not having to do anything right? Spring brings a sense of new and freshness to me. I love watching the first flowers pop up out of the ground and the buds on the trees turn into leaves. I love hearing the birds sing again. The boys and I went on a walk on a trail here in American Fork a couple of weeks ago and the first thing they noticed and said to me was "Mom, can you hear the birds?", I am happy my boys love nature like I do and notice the little things like that. I really love working outside and making my yard and home look nice. There is joy, relaxation, therapy and a sense of accomplishment when you get done working in the yard, or garden and it looks nice. I have always thought of yard work as relaxing, is that weird? I know there are those out there that hate it and would love to pay someone else to make their yard look nice, but not me, I love doing it, and I miss it. I can not wait until I can have a big yard again to make beautiful.
Aiden and Oliver love being outside and they really do love blowing dandelion fuzz. Any time they see one they will stop whatever they are doing and blow. I remember when I first showed them how to do that when they were just little they would put their lips on it and the little seeds would stick to their lips, it was so funny. They learned fast though not to do that.

Happy Spring!!