Friday, June 8, 2012

The Dang Deer!

Last fall I planted around 80 tulip bulbs in a front flower bed at our house. I was so excited for spring to come so I could watch them pop up out of the ground and watch them grow. Well where we live in Providence there are a lot of deer. We basically live on the mountain and I guess that's where the deer live right? :). 
So spring came and we would check on our tulips and we could see some of them start to appear. I was so excited to see which ones were going to make their grand appearance first. And the winner was........ the deer. As soon as a little green would start to appear, so would the deer. They munched on those tulip leaves like they were starving. So David looked online to find ways to keep the deer away. First I would run outside in attempt to scare them away and that worked for a while. Then David sprayed a pepper mixture onto the leaves and that helped for a little bit. Finally I told him about Irish Spring soap and how the deer do not like the smell. (I got this nice bit of info from people in our neighborhood) So he went and bought a few bars, drilled a hole in the center and hung three outside. Two by our driveway entrance where the deer get in and one by the tulips. And you know what? it actually worked. The deer have not come in our yard since and I Love it. I think the warn weather helps push the deer back up the mountain but still it makes me happy. Finally my tulips could grow and flourish with what leaves they had left.

As you can see some of them never made it but I am sure they will do much better next year.

 These are my two Peonies that came up in the back of our house. We also have pretty bleeding heart bushes and day Lilly's coming up. :)