Monday, February 3, 2014

November Update (I am behind, as usual)

November was a pretty good month and went by way fast. I guess when you are expecting a baby and trying to get all the last minute things done time slips away from you. The twins and I would try to go on walks, when it was warm enough to get Evan to come but he didn't really budge, but the boys and I enjoyed being outside anyways. We spent some days being crafty by me sewing and the boys painting snowflakes.
The main event for November was the birth of our third son Evan David Buchanan. He came the day before Thanksgiving which was an entire week after my due date. He is such a cute little guy with very expressive eyebrows which I love. I will write another post of his birth and give you all the juicy details, maybe not too juicy but I went all natural so there is quite a story to tell.
David decided that for the entire month of November he wasn't going to shave for his Novembeard and he succeeded. He can grow a pretty good one and probably the best one out of all the boys in his family. We also started getting a little more into football this winter which has been fun, David get's quite into it, its pretty comical sometimes. He has taught me a lot about football. I always thought I knew the rules and everything but no, I really didn't know much but now I do. Last year we didn't watch much football or even the Super Bowl but I don't think we really missed much, just my opinion.
And just so you know, Usually when I am talking about Aiden and Oliver I like to say "The Boys" but now that we have a third boy I can't do that anymore so from now on they will be called the "Twins" or Aiden and Ollie, just an FYI. :)
One thing that happened the Saturday after we came home was I went to the Emergency room. I was uncontrollably shivering like crazy and had a fever of 104, Yikes!! So we spent all morning at the ER and Evan slept for most of it, thank goodness. They tested everything they could to see if I had an infection or what. When they came back with the results I was negative on everything. They couldn't figure out why I had such a high fever. David was scared that I might have an infection because of my stitches, so when I didn't he was relieved.  I told the Doctor that I was pretty sure it was because of my milk coming in. I remember when my milk came in when I had the twins and I did the same thing just not as bad and it always happened at night. So they gave me an IV of Tylenol and pumped me full of water. I got some rest and finally felt warm. I guess Tylenol is the key for me because after I got that I felt just fine. So when they sent me home, David immediately went to Costco and bought some Tylenol. I wish I would have known that before we went to the ER, it would have saved us some money and time. The boys were hungry and tired and so was David after spending 3 hours there. I ended up having to take Tylenol just before bed for about a week or so and I was good after that. I think a lot of it had to do with so many hormones regulating and my milk trying to regulate and with feeling overwhelmed and anxious my body didn't know how to react so it just burnt up. So much fun huh? :)

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