My parents wanted to get together with the kids and my sister suggested going on a picnic in the park. We went to the Providence Elementary School playground which was really nice except that the tables to eat on are kind of far from the playground, but we still had a good time. The boys tried to climb up the slides and loved sharing their cousin Ben's sucker. It was Root Beer Float flavor, Yum!!
I actually dressed the boys to match that day. We rarely do.
Ben was so nice to share his sucker. His sister had a bubblegum flavored sucker, and we later found it buried in the sandbox. Don't worry though, she saved it and brought it home so we could wash it off.
My sister Marcie |
Autumn and Ollie |
Thanks for the Picnic, we had lots of fun!!
Love the last picture...not. That was fun. The summer went by way too fast.