When Nick got home from Afghanistan we decided to take a weekend trip to Blanding. We left the first weekend in November. This was a first for David, since he has never been past Price. He was very impressed with how large Blanding was. Not really, I had told him how it is pretty isolated and how you have to travel quite a ways to get anywhere else. We had fun though visiting Grandpa and Grandma Meyer. We wanted to go on this little trip so that Grandpa could meet our boys since he hasn't been able to yet.

We left Saturday morning and got to Blanding around 6:30 p.m. Grandma wasn't homes since San Juan made it to the semi finals in football so she was off to watch. We had a good visit with grandpa when we arrived and made him some fattening dinner since he's been sick and needs to gain some weight. I showed David around the house a little bit and showed him the scary basement. We actually went into the basement the next day but didn't make it very far in since there were a million cob webs. Gives me the chills just thinking about it :)
On Sunday we took a drive to Bluff. Nick drove and we all pilled into the green van. We drove around the pioneer cabins and up to the cemetary. Grandma had told us about the Hippies in bluff and we did see a few of them, well their Prius's there. Grandma then showed us the land that she owns and then we made our way back, the long way. We drove through the reservation where the Navajo have all of their oil rigs. It was weird to see them, there were a ton of them out in the middle of no where. The road we were on was very wavy and at one point Nick made the entire van bottom out, it gave me butterflies.
We got home and relaxed for a bit until dinner. After dinner grandma invited all the relatives there to come on over for some dessert to see us. It was great visiting with everyone since we don't get to see them very often.
The next day we headed back home which always seem shorter then traveling to Blanding. We made it home safe and sound and the boys did so well on our trip. They slept just fine and didn't get car sick or anything. They mostly just slept which was fine by me.
Oliver enjoying the ride :) |
Aiden looking as cute as ever!
Thanks Grandpa and Grandma for a successful and fun trip. |