Monday, January 21, 2013

City Creek and Temple Square

 This year we finally planned a date to go see the lights at temple square and see City Creek. My parents wanted all of us to be able to go but life happens and things come up so not all of my siblings were able to make it but we had a great time anyways.
My mom and dad originally wanted to take the train to Salt Lake City but because it was just the boys and David and I we rode in the car and saved some money. That's always a good thing right? :) We first went to The City Creek Center to check it out. We weren't able to check out every store because that would have taken us hours but we did make it to a few we wanted to see. Restoration Hardware (which is ridiculously priced, but cool), Anthropologie (which I LOOOOVE), The Disney Store and a couple more. We all were getting antsy and were ready to eat. My mom wanted to go to the Cheesecake Factory but it was packed,  and so was every other place so we went to kneaders and luckily got a spot to sit down. After we ate we headed out into the cold to see the lights. By time we made it around temple square we were all frozen and ready to get warm and go home.

I love the two pictures above. In one, My mom and Michelle aren't ready but in the other I am the one who isn't ready. Its hard getting a good picture when people keep walking in front of the camera.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Meyer Family Christmas Party 2012

This year the boys and I rode down to our family party with my parents. David had to work and couldn't get it off so the three of us squished into my parents back seat and went on our way. The boys had a blast and loved playing on the stage at the church with the other kids. It was nice this year letting them go off and play and not really having to worry about them. We had great food, delicious desserts and lots of fun playing games. Marcie my sister was the game planner and I was her little helper. I won a very cool Nutcracker which is great because I am starting to collect them to add to my Christmas decor. Go Me!

Merry Christmas

 Four Generations of Steves

We had a great time visiting with family and we hope David can make it next year!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Practice Makes Perfect



I took advantage of the overcast weather to take pictures of my boys helping their dad put up lights. This is the same day I received my camera so I have a lot of practicing to do. :)

New Toy For Mom!

 A New CAMERA!! 

My wonderful husband, along with my sweet boys bought me a new camera for Christmas. I always told David that if I reached my goal weight, he could buy me a camera. Well that hasn't happened, but I am getting closer so instead of rewarding me then, he decided to just get me a camera now, since it might be five more years until I get there, but let's hope not. He is not very good at keeping surprises so instead of ruining the surprise this year by waiting until Christmas he gave it to me early. I was very surprised and so excited, I have always wanted a nice camera and it will be fun when I get time to learn all the quirks to taking great pictures. He got me the whole package too complete with, two lenses, cleaner, filters, and a wireless remote. So Cool! Thanks Babe!