Two weeks ago we went to their doctor appointment and were able to get their heads measured. Oliver's head has grown 4mm in the right direction and Aiden's 2mm. We think Oliver only had 8mm to grow until his head measured correct so we are excited to see today what the doctor will say when they measure again. I just can't wait until they don't have to wear them anymore, they are so much cuter with them off. :)
The boys get one hour with their helmets off everyday which we do before bedtime. So that is when we get to wash and sanitize their helmets and wash their heads. They love patting their heads when the helmet is off and rubbing their heads on everything cause it feels so good. They make us laugh.
We attract more attention now then the usual with our twins because of their helmets. People will stare or come up to us and ask what they are for or tell us about their grandchild's, sons, daughters, nephews helmet. We have met a lot of people because of them and that is never a bad thing.
The boys have enjoyed their helmets and I am sure they are going to miss them when they get them off when they start feeling the pain again of running into things or each other.
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